Blog | Potter's Hearing Aid Service - Part 7

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How Long Will It Take for Me to Adjust to Wearing Hearing Aids?

January 22, 2019

Living with hearing impairment can really lower your quality of life, which is why so many people turn to hearing aids in Waterloo, IA and elsewhere. However, though these incredible devices can change someone with hearing impairment’s relationship with the world, it can take some time to get used to the technology, both how they feel and how they work. Living with hearing aids does come with a learning curve, but a lot of the newer versions—like the Phonak Marvel™—are getting easier and easier to work with. From its amazing sound quality to connectivity and the rechargeable model, the Marvel... View Article

Researchers Find Link Between Premature Death, Hearing Loss

January 8, 2019

The more advancements we see in the medical world, the longer people live. Though this is a wonderful achievement, it has some unintended side effects that bring additional complications. One of those complications relates to hearing loss. According to recent research, after the age of 80, nearly 50 percent of women and 62 percent of men experience hearing loss, making it the fourth leading cause of disability. Though hearing loss may seem like a minor disability, new research actually suggests that there is likely a link between hearing loss and premature death in Waterloo, IA. This research is complex, and... View Article

How Long Will It Take Me to Adjust to Wearing Hearing Aids in Waterloo, IA?

December 26, 2018

The amount of time it takes to adjust to wearing hearing aids really varies from person to person, and depends on a variety of factors, not the least of which is how long you waited to get treatment for your hearing loss (and the severity of that hearing loss). Our ears collect noise from our environment, but it’s the brain’s job to translate those noises into sounds we recognize. Untreated hearing loss can result in atrophy of the auditory part of the brain, so it can take a little rehabilitation for the brain to start recognizing those sounds again. Ultimately,... View Article

We’re a Proud Provider of Phonak Hearing Aids in Waterloo, IA

December 12, 2018

Potter’s Hearing Aid Service has been a provider of Phonak hearing aids in Waterloo, IA for many years, and we are pleased to introduce some of the latest hearing aid technology from the company: its Audeo Marvel hearing aids. This latest generation of hearing aid technology from Phonak automatically adapts to certain listening situations more than any previous technology. Now, people who wear the devices can benefit from better speech understanding in noisy environments without having to strain and put in as much effort, making for more enjoyable everyday listening situations. Some of the features of Marvel hearing aids One... View Article

Nine Signs You Might Need a Hearing Aid

November 26, 2018

Are you wondering whether you might need a hearing aid? Well, if you have gotten to the point where you are asking the question, then there is a good chance the answer is “yes.” Some people are reluctant to face the fact that they might need a hearing aid. This is because some people associate wearing a hearing aid with being “old” or “boring.” But the truth of the matter is, folks with hearing aids span all ages and lifestyles, and you are only as boring as you allow yourself to be! Here are nine signs that it might be... View Article


Monday: 9AM - 12PM | 1PM - 4:30PM
Tuesday: 9AM - 12PM | 1PM - 4:30PM
Wednesday: Available Only For Calls
Thursday: 9AM - 12PM | 1PM - 4:30PM
Friday: 9AM - 12PM | 1PM - 4:30PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

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September 21, 2024 Laura Mumaw
"This was my very first visit to Potter’s after a long history of hearing decline. I was shocked at the level of hearing loss I have afte..."
August 22, 2024 Jamie Shannon Volz
"Lee is one of the best hearing aid specialists that I have had the pleasure of doing business with. He is very knowledgeable in hearing and ..."
March 4, 2024 Lester Jensen
February 8, 2024 Nulee Momo
"Great service"
October 23, 2023 Lynn Rossow
"Lee cares for his patients the same way that Ron did. They both have different ways of doing it but they do care for each one’s needs."

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