Millions of people struggle with hearing loss and experience a variety of problems as a result, including decreased performance at work, difficulty engaging socially and lower self-confidence. The good news is that hearing aids can significantly improve your hearing ability so that you don’t have to miss out when you’re at work, spending time with friends or enjoying your favorite movies, music and TV shows. Read on to find out more about Starkey hearing aids in Waterloo, IA and why you should consider investing in this hearing aid brand. Features of Starkey hearing aids Starkey hearing aids in Waterloo, IA... View Article
Whether you’ve been wearing hearing aids for years or you just got fitted for your first set of hearing aids, it’s important to invest in regular hearing aid repair in Waterloo, IA. If you’re unsure about when it’s the right time for hearing aid repair or you want to find out more about how to properly care for your hearing aids to improve their performance and longevity, keep reading for some helpful tips. Why is hearing aid repair necessary? Like any other device, hearing aids must be cared for and maintained properly to ensure long-lasting performance. Hearing aid repair in... View Article
May is known for spring blooms, Mother’s Day, Memorial Day and more. Did you know this month is also Better Hearing and Speech Month? It’s a time to raise awareness of early interventions for children, hearing loss prevention for adults and the treatments available to all. Whether you are just learning about hearing loss or need hearing aid repair in Waterloo, IA, May is the month for you! To support these efforts, educate yourself and your loved ones on the important issues related to hearing loss. Following are a few key topics to cover this May. Early Childhood Intervention To... View Article
Hearing loss is a physical condition with physical symptoms. Depression is a mental and emotional condition with behavioral symptoms. How are these two related? Could one really affect the other? And could hearing aids in Waterloo, IA help with depression? The answer to all of these questions is “yes.” Researchers have discovered a strong link between depression and hearing loss. Fortunately, hearing aids in Waterloo, IA offer assistance to those struggling with these issues. Here’s the scoop. Depression and Hearing Loss The Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders reports that more than 11 percent of those with hearing loss... View Article
Hearing aids may be small, but they have a lot of sophisticated, high-tech parts that keep your device operational. If you believe they need to be repaired, there are some steps you can take to troubleshoot your issues before you take them in to a professional for more thorough repairs. With this in mind, here are some tips you can try at home to prevent the need for more serious hearing aid repair in Waterloo, IA: Clean it: You should regularly clean your hearing aid, because it’s quite easy for earwax and other debris to lodge itself in some of... View Article