May is known for spring blooms, Mother’s Day, Memorial Day and more. Did you know this month is also Better Hearing and Speech Month? It’s a time to raise awareness of early interventions for children, hearing loss prevention for adults and the treatments available to all. Whether you are just learning about hearing loss or need hearing aid repair in Waterloo, IA, May is the month for you! To support these efforts, educate yourself and your loved ones on the important issues related to hearing loss. Following are a few key topics to cover this May. Early Childhood Intervention To... View Article
Hearing loss is a physical condition with physical symptoms. Depression is a mental and emotional condition with behavioral symptoms. How are these two related? Could one really affect the other? And could hearing aids in Waterloo, IA help with depression? The answer to all of these questions is “yes.” Researchers have discovered a strong link between depression and hearing loss. Fortunately, hearing aids in Waterloo, IA offer assistance to those struggling with these issues. Here’s the scoop. Depression and Hearing Loss The Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders reports that more than 11 percent of those with hearing loss... View Article
It’s understandable to feel a little disoriented if you’re using hearing aids in Waterloo, IA for the very first time. This is especially true if your hearing loss was very gradual—you’re suddenly going to be thrust back into a world of sounds you might not have heard clearly in years. With this in mind, here are a few tips for new hearing aid users to better adjust to the experience: Understand that it’ll take time to fully adjust: Hearing aids will take a little bit of time to get used to. Your brain has to get caught up on how... View Article
Living with hearing impairment can really lower your quality of life, which is why so many people turn to hearing aids in Waterloo, IA and elsewhere. However, though these incredible devices can change someone with hearing impairment’s relationship with the world, it can take some time to get used to the technology, both how they feel and how they work. Living with hearing aids does come with a learning curve, but a lot of the newer versions—like the Phonak Marvel™—are getting easier and easier to work with. From its amazing sound quality to connectivity and the rechargeable model, the Marvel... View Article
The amount of time it takes to adjust to wearing hearing aids really varies from person to person, and depends on a variety of factors, not the least of which is how long you waited to get treatment for your hearing loss (and the severity of that hearing loss). Our ears collect noise from our environment, but it’s the brain’s job to translate those noises into sounds we recognize. Untreated hearing loss can result in atrophy of the auditory part of the brain, so it can take a little rehabilitation for the brain to start recognizing those sounds again. Ultimately,... View Article