How to Include Children with Hearing Loss in Team Sports
When your child has hearing loss, you may be concerned about how they’ll fare in social situations such as team sports. It’s not uncommon to hear that children with hearing loss in Waterloo, IA are left out of team sports, whether it’s because their coaches and teammates don’t know how to communicate properly, a lack of resources or other issues.
If you’re considering team sports for your child, or if you work with young children and would like to learn how to be more inclusive, here are a few of our best tips for helping bridge the gap. Of course, if you’re not sure if your child is suffering from hearing loss, be sure to get them tested at your local hearing aid store.
How to foster awareness
When you’re working with children, you naturally want to make your team an inclusive environment to the fullest extent possible. For some children, this may be their first time meeting someone with hearing loss. It’s advisable to let them know that hearing loss is a condition just like needing eyeglasses or having ADHD. Don’t be afraid to ask the child and their parents if they’ve found particularly successful coping strategies—in order to understand their needs, you need to feel comfortable asking questions. Some important considerations might be to have different ways of reviewing games, always facing the players when you talk to them and trying to offer written supplements whenever possible.
If your team has multiple coaches or staff members, you might designate one or two to be the “authorities” on working with the child or children with sensory disorders. Always let your team know that they are to treat their teammate with respect, just as they would with a neuro or physically typical teammate.
How to advocate for your child
If your child is the one with hearing loss in Waterloo, IA, you are likely concerned about whether their needs are being met. Try to set up a meeting with their coach to explain your child’s special needs and any coping mechanisms that you use. Depending on your child’s age and skill level, you might want to consider becoming an assistant coach, or asking for regular check-ins to determine your child’s comfort level.
The most important takeaway, both as a coach and a parent, is to keep the lines of communication open for better understanding.
Help for children with hearing loss in Waterloo, IA
When you need the right hearing aids for you or your child, be sure to contact the friendly team at Potter’s Hearing Aid Service. We go above and beyond to make sure that your child’s experience is warm and welcoming from beginning to end. From conducting tests to identify the nature of your child’s hearing loss to helping them find the best hearing aids for their needs, we’ll do our best to make sure you’re comfortable and all your questions are answered. Call or stop by today to set up an appointment for you and your child.
Categorised in: Hearing Loss
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