An Overview of the Types of Hearing Aids in Waterloo, IA
If your doctor has recommended hearing aids for you, you might be wondering what the different options are with regard to the types of hearing aids in Waterloo, IA. Your hearing professional will likely recommend one or more types of hearing aids based on a variety of factors, including your aesthetic preferences, your type and level of hearing loss, your lifestyle needs and the kind of budget you have for hearing aids. The aids often come in a variety of colors and finishes to complement your skin tone and hair.
Here’s a quick overview of the most common types of hearing aids:
- Invisible in the canal (IIC): IIC hearing aids are placed farther into the ear canal than other types of hearing aids, making them essentially invisible while they’re being worn. IIC aids should be removed on a daily basis for your health. They are typically reserved only for people with mild to moderate hearing loss.
- Completely in the canal (CIC): CIC hearing aids are custom-tailored to fit entirely inside your ear canal. Only the tip of the plastic handle can be seen from the outside of the canal. This handle is used to remove or insert the device. It is typically prescribed for people who suffer from mild to moderate hearing loss.
- In the canal (ITC): ITC hearing aids are custom-designed to fit in your ear canal with a small portion of that aid showing in the outer ear. It covers a wider range of hearing loss than the aforementioned options, being prescribed for people with mild to mildly severe hearing loss.
- In the ear (ITE): ITE hearing aids are designed to fit within the outer portion of your ear, meaning they are a bit more visible than other types of hearing instruments. They also can serve a broader range of users, for those who have mild to severe hearing loss.
- Receiver in canal (RIC): These types of hearing aids are barely visible while they’re being worn. The RIC style is exemplified by the receiver (or speaker) being located inside the ear canal. It uses thin electrical wires rather than a plastic acoustical tube, which helps to reduce distortion in the inner ear. RIC hearing aids are designed to provide a more comfortable and open fit. They are solely for people who suffer from mild to moderate levels of hearing loss.
- Behind the ear (BTE): This type of hearing aid technology is placed inside a type of casing or shell that rests behind the ear. A clear plastic acoustical tub moves the amplified sound into a customized ear mold or ear bud that is located inside the ear canal. It is specifically designed for people who suffer from moderate to severe hearing loss.
This is just a brief overview of the most common types of hearing aids. For more specific information about any of these types and for assistance in choosing which would be the best option for you, contact Potter’s Hearing Aid Service for more information about our hearing aids in Waterloo, IA.
Categorised in: Hearing Aids
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